Mira Kurkiala - Artist

A new collection will be released soon!

A common theme for the entire collection is that all paintings are painted with only natural pigments from earth, stones, ash and coal. The binder used in the paint is also completely plant-based.

Advance purchase of art prints is possible for a limited number of days when a painting has just been completed.

See finished paintings here

Do you want to learn to paint more intuitively with flowing colors?

I have created an online course that you can start today!

In the course I will show you step by step how I paint THREE paintings on THREE different surfaces using different techniques. You will get to experiment, dare to test new ways of creating based on your own expression.

After the course you will:

- Use new techniques and methods in your painting

- Have greater knowledge of which materials you want to work with and what properties they have

- Paint more by feeling

- Know how to paint effortlessly and fluidly with acrylic paint and water

- Feel inspired to dare to experiment more in your painting

- Create something based on yourself that feels meaningful

Read more about the course here!

New collection Spring songs

The collection includes five paintings with accompanying limited edition art prints.

Art print will be released Sunday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m
Limited edition of 30 pieces of each motif
Stamped, signed and numbered

Originals can be bought during my exhibition at Sjungaregården in Granö 15 June - 28 June.
Those that are not sold during the exhibition period are posted on the website at the end of June.

  • The wind

    Painted on linen with earth pigment, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, gold powder and acrylic pencils.

  • Forest longing

    Painted on cotton canvas with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • The wild

    Painted on linen with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

  • The golden pond

    Painted on linen with earth pigments, acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, acrylic pencils.

Paintings of natural pigments

I pick stones, earth, clay, charcoal and ash to create my own pigments for my paintings.

I work the stones with hammer, mortar and sieve the powder until it is fine enough to use as pigment for paint. I then add a binder and the millions of old stones are given new life as color in my art.

See paintings here!

"Earth pigments are not lifeless rocks. They are constantly circulating, they are mysterious metamorphic agents of art made by complex ecologies, biomes, volcanoes, extinct creatures, fault lines, sea-floors, swamps, deserts, fertile soils, and dead people and their living waste." - Heidi Gustafson

  • Follow me on Instagram to take part in upcoming projects, exhibitions, markets, painting tips etc.